The products below are representative of what we sell. If you don't find what you're looking for, please request a quote or contact us.

P/N Purity Diameter Length Price
10990 99.99% / 4N Pure 0.197 in. / 5.0 mm / 4 gauge 0.394 in. / 10 mm / 1 cm x 5 pieces
Rod, straight length(s)
8553 99.99% / 4N Pure 0.197 in. / 5.0 mm / 4 gauge 0.394 in. / 10 mm / 1 cm x 10 pieces
Rod, straight length(s)
10571 99.99% / 4N Pure 0.197 in. / 5.0 mm / 4 gauge 1.00 in. / 25.4 mm
Rod, straight length(s)
P/N Purity Diameter Length Price
11152 14 Karat Yellow Gold 0.197 in. / 5.0 mm / 4 gauge 10 in. / 25.4 cm
Temper: Annealed (soft)
Rod, straight length

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